Ray Dalioによる経済・市場の解説

To Help Put Recent Economic & Market Moves in Perspective





”The Markets’ Connections with the Economy”の章は新鮮であった。



The Markets's Connections with the Economy  

financial system(金融市場)とeconomy(経済)の関係:financial systemがmoneyとcreditを供給する。

Economyは個々のmarketsが相互に影響しあうことで、一定の動きをみせる。その動きはある平衡状態(marketsが釣り合った状態)を目指す。また、政府、中央銀行は二つの力をもって、平衡状態に影響を与えることができる。(monetary and fiscal policy, i.e. 金融政策と財政政策)


1) 債務と収入

2) Utilization of economic capacity

3) risk premia


1) 債務の増加


the equilibrium rate of debt growth is that which is in line with the growth in the income that is required to service the debt. 

2) Utilization of economic capacity

これは、企業や国家がどの程度自身の生産能力を活用できているか?を示す指標。失業者や閉鎖された工場がある(capacity is too low)と、活用できていないことになる。逆に、高すぎるとインフレが懸念。


3) risk premia (Spread)

The size of the spreads between the expected return of cash and the expected returns of risky assets will determine how much capital will move where and drive the movement of money and credit through the system. In fact, most financial decisions are made by financial intermediaries trying to grab this spread, and it is therefore a big driver of credit growth, asset class returns, and economic growth.






Monetary Policy.

Central banks change the quantities and pricing of money and credit to affect economic activity, the value of assets, and the value of its currency.

三種類のmonetary policy 

1. interest rate

2. QE

3. ばら撒き(など)

基本的には、まず政策金利を下げる。金利が0%になったら、QEを開始する。QEはriskとliquidity premiaが高い際には有効だが、spreadが少なくなったら効果を失う。そしたら直接お金を投入して無理やり(?)使わせる。




Fiscal Policy.

While central banks determine the total amount of money and credit in the system, central and local governments influence how it is distributed. They get their money by taxing and borrowing, and they spend and redistribute it through their programs.

