

macro-ops.com Ray Dalioがインドについてpositiveなコメントを出していたが、 ここではより全体像を論じたものを紹介。 4 drivers of economic growth: culture, indebtedness, competitiveness, and luck. 負債が少なく、競合に打ち勝つ利点を有して運が良…

Transactions approach - 価格決定の原理

macro-ops.com Transactions approachでは経済を各々の取引に分解して考える. 1. A transaction is an exchange of money (or credit) for a good, service, or asset. 2. A market is the all combination of transcations for a particular good. 3. An ec…

ED Thropの投資方法

macro-ops.com Earn from inefficiency 1. 情報の伝達 Much information stats out known only to a limited number of people, then spreads to a wider groups in stages. 2. In real markets, the rationality of the participants is limited. 3. Partic…

Ray Dalioによるインドの見通し

economictimes.indiatimes.com What is your view of the Indian economy? cf. Ray Dalioの計量分析 We do a computerised study that forecasts which the fastest-growing economies will be based on certain key performance indicators. In my study, I…