BIDEN = ROOSEVELT (Linked inの記事より)

1925-45 ~ 2005-2025


  • 1920s, 2000-2007: produced a lot of debt, wealth gaps, abd bubbles. -> Tightening -> econimic downturns -> easing (short-term interest rate to 0%).
  • (couldn't lower than 0%), the Fed printed a lot of money and bought bonds.
  • Cash became trash.
  • Low interest rates and all that money printing drove up the prices of most everything (inflation), most notably gold and stocks
  • Wealth and political gaps led to shit from Republican to a Democratic -> stimulate the economy and redistribute wealth through fiscal and monetary policies.
  • Under Roosevelt, the federal government increased its spending, (1) due to social programs and (2) due to the war. This spending is financed by both raising taxes on the wealthy and a lot of monetizing the debts.

