Transactions approach - 価格決定の原理


Transactions approachでは経済を各々の取引に分解して考える.

1. A transaction is an exchange of money (or credit) for a good, service, or asset.

2. A market is the all combination of transcations for a particular good.

3. An economy is created when you combine all the markets. 


All you need to know is the total amount of money spent and the total quantity of goods sold. "市場価格 = 支払われた総額 / 売れた品物数"


Buyer = private sector + government sector


1. Establish market prices by dividing total spending by total quantity of goods sold.

2.Identify the biggest buyers in the market.

5 categories of buyers in equity markets.

1. Dumb Money: Buy on good news after prices have already run up.

2. Dumb Funds: Large retirement and mutual funds. They are forced to always be long and fully invested. 

3. Technical Players: Serve to amplify a trend that's already started. (Rather, we should look at turning points.)

4. Smart Hedge money: Ray Dalio, George Soros, and so on....

5. Smart Value: focus on value with a margin of a safety.