ARCC - Letter to Stakeholders 2020年3月23



Highly Diversified, Less Cyclically Positioned Investment Portfolio Focused on Upper Middle Market


Strong Balance Sheet with Significant Liquidity and Long Dated Financing

 3/15時点で$2.7Bのavailable liquidity.

we have seen increased funding requests from many of our borrowers which we have satisfied, and we continue to have liquidity to meet these contractual requests. Additionally, we believe that our strong liquidity position also provides us with the opportunity to make additional investments on increasingly attractive terms.


The earliest maturity date for any of our bank credit facilities is March 2024 and we do not have any unsecured term notes maturing until 2022


as of March 15, 2020, 57% of our funded debt capital was in unsecured term notes, which gives us significant unencumbered assets and provides meaningful overcollateralization of our secured credit facilities


またSmall Business Credit Availability Act (SBCAA)の存在も大きく、これのおかげで2008-09年の状況に悪化する可能性は少ないと言及。

Veteran Management Team with Experience Navigating Volatile Markets

