ARCC Q4 earning


- Non-GAAP EPS: $0.54 (beat $0.14)

- Total investment income $440M (beat $81.89M, +14% Y/Y)

- Expenses: 204 (+5.7% Y/Y)


Operating results detail

- Investing incomeのうち、上昇分は実質capital structuring service feesがほとんど。


Gain/Loss detail

- Losses $208



- Total number of portofolio: 350 (+3).

- $3.9B new investments ($3.1B funded), including 20 new companies, 38 existing companies. これは過去16年で一番大きい。COVID中に一時的に値下がりしたところに大きく投資した。

- exited $3.0B 

- At 12/3/2020, the weighted average yeild on total investments at amortized cost and fiar value was 8.0% and 8.2%, respectively, and 84% of the total investments at fair value were in floating rate securities.