Risk control - Adjust 'risk dial'

www.pimco.com One way to assess risk is to observe the incremental expected return per unit of risk (= the slope of an expected Sharp ratio).cf. starting real yields have historically been a strong predictor of future return 以降、投資開始…


Unconstrained: How Bond Investors Can Embrace Volatility | PIMCO Blog 著名の投資家は債券の弱気相場を予想。 PIMCOも中央銀行が主導するlow volatilityは終わったことを宣言。 PIMCOが考える債券投資 By avoiding certain fixed income exposures - pos…


2017年のトレンド 1 : FANGの圧勝 https://www.pimco.com/en-us/pmip/financial-markets-equities?utm_campaign=pimco_insights&utm_medium=spredfast&utm_content=sf181139870&utm_source=twitter&sc_camp=C792EC69ADE9479C8FA61425E604A9DA&sf181139870=1 …